For e.g When uTorrent reports 1.2 MB uploaded, Ratio faker will modify this value and announces as 2.45 MB. How to Use Ratio Faker to Boost Bittorrent Upload Ratio. 1. Download Ratio Faker Zip file or Installer (Small size around 443KB) 2. Install and start Ratio Faker, you should see listening port number.

Aug 15, 2018 · Add to this that upload channels are usually narrower than download channels (roughly six Mhz for down and three Mhz for up), and you’re looking at even lower relative speeds, which is why a four-to-one channel ratio doesn’t usually get you a four-to-one speed ratio. A twenty Mbps download speed will likely have less than 5 Mbps for upload. As it happens my ratio of download to upload is very similar, as G.INP went live on the ECI cab I'm connected too today at 5am my downstream is up from around 42-45Mbps to roughly 48Mbps but my upload is only around 6Mbps as there is no G.INP on the upstream on my 80/20 connection. The upload speed is the rate that data is transferred from the user’s computer to the Internet. Cable companies set the default setting to download faster than upload. The reasoning behind this is that most people have more of a need to download information. A ratio credit, also known as upload credit or ratio economy, is a currency system used on a number of private trackers to provide an incentive for higher upload/download ratios among member file-sharers.

Calculate the Aspect Ratio (ARC) here by entering your in pixel or ratio . Change the image aspect ratio via this Ratio Calculator . The pixel aspect calculator makes it extremely easy to change any "W:H" format with custom a width or height.

Oct 08, 2008 · There is no relation between download and upload speed, they are independent.Assuming your top priority is downloading, not uploading, Just make sure, you do not seed more than 3 -4 files at once. If you are seeding lets say 20 files (movies or something), your internet speed will be screwed up As you might have understood by now, becoming a member of prominent private torrenting websites is quite difficult. That said, it’s even more difficult to continue to be a member. If you don’t want to get kicked out of a website stay active and maintain a healthy upload and download ratio.

Calculate the Aspect Ratio (ARC) here by entering your in pixel or ratio . Change the image aspect ratio via this Ratio Calculator . The pixel aspect calculator makes it extremely easy to change any "W:H" format with custom a width or height.

Upon completion, you'll see your download and upload speeds, as well as the ping as illustrated by the picture below: 2. by Ookla is a great way to measure your upload and download speeds whether you are at home or on the go. If you are using a mobile device, you can test your connection by: Don't worry too much about ratio, other than to make sure you're complying with the rules of whatever site you're on. In the absence of freeleech torrents, seeding is basically a zero-sum game. 1 MB of upload for you is 1 MB of download for someone else. It's also a lost opportunity for someone else to upload 1 MB. Some BitTorrent web sites have implemented upload/download ratios, with banning of people whose ratio gets too out of whack. The problem with this approach (aside from that it's completely unclear that not uploading is a problem to begin with, since tit-for-tat works well) is that it's overly punishing.